What is Not Included In TESDA CSS II ?

Although TESDA mentioned that the expected job position for those who will pass the Computer Systems Servicing NC II assessment includes being a Computer Technician, the course is limited only in teaching the replacing and repairing the basic parts of the computer. 

This may include troubleshooting the motherboard, ram, vga cards and other peripherals.  The course is not designed to help students to electronically repair the motherboard and other electronically devices.  

Another topic that will not be discussed in the course is laptop repair.  The course may include in troubleshooting laptops or netbooks but replacing laptop parts is not included in the course scope.  The reason for this is that laptops and netbooks have different builds.  With the computer system servicing course however you can have a basic understanding in replacing computer parts of the system unit. 

If you are interested in electronic repair path then you may want to consider taking following TESDA Courses:

Consumer Electronics NC III
Consumer Electronics NC IV
Electronic Products Assembly and Servicing NC II
Electronics Back-end Operation NC II
Electronics Front-of-line Operation NC II
Electronics-Semiconductors Production Line Machine Servicing NC III


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