CSS Lesson: An Introduction to Occupational Health and Safety

This article will discuss the importance of Occupational Health and Safety standard and policies. The OHS topic is part of the core 1 lessons of Computer Systems Servicing NC II. You need to familiarize yourself with OHS, not only for passing the assessment but also it serves as a safety reminder when working as a computer support technician.

Before we start in installing and/or repairing any computer system we must make sure that we as computer technician work area is safe for us and for the system that we are fixing.

Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) is a set of policies and procedures that is followed in a workplace in order to prevent accidents, illnesses, and injuries.

It involves knowing the risks that can be encountered in a workplace and figuring out how it can be prevented. It is concerned with many factors such as removal of hazards and reducing accidents in the workplace.

As a future computer technician, it is your responsibility to know these standard protocols especially since you will be assembling and repairing expensive and sensitive equipment that need care and proper handling.

Three steps may be done to facilitate OHS procedures in a CSS work space:

  1. Hazard identification
  2. Risk assessment
  3. Risk control

In addition to that, here are some additional OHS Procedures that must be observed in computer servicing:

  1. Do not remove computer parts while it is plugged on its power source.
  2. Remove all jewelry and other accessories while working.
  3. Avoid bringing liquids inside the workplace.
  4. Avoid over tightening screws.
  5. Wear an anti-static device to prevent electrostatic discharge.
  6. Use shoes with non-conductive rubber soles to reduce risks of being shocked.

On my next post we will discuss the different steps to be done to facilitate OHS in the workplace. In the meantime, you can watch this video from Teacher Mej to further increase your knowledge about OHS.

Pic Credits: Technology vector created by vectorpocket - www.freepik.com


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