Types of Hazards That Every Computer Technician Should Know

It is very important for Computer System Servicing the need to identify the different hazards in the workplace.  Identifying the hazards will keep the workers and equipment safe from any untoward incidents.

Hazards are anything that can hurt a person. Example of hazards that can be encountered when conducting computer systems servicing are: 

Indications of hazards: 

  • Worn-out or damaged power cord 
  • Spilled liquid on the floor or on the device itself 
  • Any physical damage such as dents and cracks on the device 
  • Dropping the device 
  • Strong odor such as burnt plastic or rubber 
  • Strange noise from the power supply or fans 
  • Computer usually feels hot 
  • Smoke coming from the computer case 


Hazard identification involves observing the workplace’s surroundings to recognize potential risks. 

Types of Hazards 

  1. Physical hazard – this can further classified as an occupational or environmental hazard. 

A common type of physical hazard are cables tangled across the floor.  It can cause someone to trip and fall.  These can be addressed by making sure that the workspace is in a clean and proper condition. 

Physical hazard causes stress to the muscles and or skeleton, like handling or lifting heavy tools and materials, extension cords or cables running across the floor, wet floor, or any situation that can cause a person to slip, trip, or fall. 

2.  Mechanical hazard – this can either be a result from manual use of tools or powered equipment.

An example of this is getting entangled with tools and equipment used in the workplace that may lead to injuries. 

Mechanical hazard includes the work area, tools, equipment, and their parts that have the potential to cut, rip, tear, scratch, crush, penetrate, produce projectiles, or cause sudden impact.

3.  Chemical hazard – this is caused by exposure to chemicals in the workplace.  Chemical hazards should be prevented as it can cause long term harmful health issues. 

In electronics, different chemicals will be used such as cleaning chemicals, dust removers, cleaning solvents, oil, and others that is why it is important to be careful. 

4.  Electric Shock Hazards – An electrical hazard is a dangerous condition that can be caused by direct electrical contact from an active equipment or electrical conductor.

In the official TESDA guidelines they only listed 4 types of hazards but you should also consider the other types of hazard to make your work environment safe.

Other types of hazard to consider:

  1. Psychological hazard – includes events, system of work, or other circumstances that have the potential to lead to work-related stress and fatigue, bullying, fighting, and other similar violence.
  2. Energy source hazard – has the potential to cause harm including cold, heat, radioactive sources, high powered light, noise, and electricity. 


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